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【Student Life】Unveiling Vibrant Campus Life at Tianjin University


Are you ever curious about what life at Tianjin University (TJU) is like beyond classroom and research?

Let's unveil some students' vibrant campus life at Tianjin University beyond textbooks to where dreams and discovery intertwine.

"From dawn till dusk, where dreams weave through discovery's tapestry and each step marches towards growth;

from echoing laughter on campus to history's silent whispers in museum halls;

from volunteer smiles' warmth to moonlit paths where aspirations dance;

—TJU stands as a symphony of youth's vibrant chase."

Volunteering Activities

Immersive Study in the Classroom

Strolls around Campus

Immersive Study in the library

Social Practice

Musical Retreats

Appreciating the Moon

Exploring Museums


City Walks


Culinary Adventures

Sports and Passion

By Dai Rui

Editor: Sun Xiaofang