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Happy Minor Chinese New Year

 Arts and Culture

In northern China, Xiaonian, or minor Chinese New Year, is celebrated on the 23rd day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. In 2024, Xiaonian falls on Feb. 2.

A pair of huge Menshen (door gods) with 3.6 meters high is posted at the gate of Feng Jicai Institute of Literature and Art, Tianjin University. Pictures of Menshen are traditional Chinese decorations placed on doors, which are believed to keep evil spirits from entering. Menshen usually comes in pairs, facing each other. There are many different Menshen, with the most common being Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong. On the door of the Institute are the characters “Fu” and "Jianxi" (looking up and seeing happiness) which were written by Mr. Feng Jicai, Dean of the Institute. Spring Festival decorations are posted everywhere in the building. These decorations rich in traditional cultural charm create a warm Spring Festival atmosphere on the campus.

Photos by: Jiao Defang

Translated by Sun Xiaofang